Our Specialized Trainings.

Built on cutting-edge research, proven theories, high performer drive, and genuine desire for you to thrive.

Built for Maximum Impact.

We offer a number of specialized trainings for high performer groups and individuals. We strive to support our clients in crushing their goals, building their skillsets for the long-term journey, and increasing life satisfaction and well-being. Check out our current training offerings below. Questions? Don’t hesitate to reach out. We’d love to support you and your pursuits!


Our Offerings:


Mindfulness Trainings for Organizations

Built for your organization’s training needs and performance goals.

We develop custom trainings to meet your organization’s well-being needs and performance goals. We offer trainings via zoom or in-person at a physical location of your choosing. Up for an adventure and team-building? Hire us to provide mindfulness skills training in combination with a real-time opportunity to apply these game-changing skills. Workshops may include scuba diving, indoor skydiving, freediving, hiking, yoga, or an activity of your choosing.

Contact us for more information.


The mPEAK Course

mPEAK (Mindfulness, Performance Enhancement, Awareness & Knowledge) is a mindfulness training program for anyone seeking to achieve personal and professional goals, as well as attain new levels of performance and success. This cutting-edge training program is built around the latest brain research related to peak performance, resilience, focus, and “flow”. The mPEAK program enhances the human capacity of mindfulness through established and empirically supported practices and exercises. Mindfulness is effective precisely because it is a way of being and relating to all aspects of life, rather than a specific technique or tool for a particular goal. As with physical training, this brain training program is based upon the understanding that optimal outcomes occur most often when participants continue to engage in the practices and exercises on a daily basis as a part of their training regimen.

The foundation of this program is based on the highly respected and empirically-supported Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program. Additionally, mPEAK incorporates elements of sports psychology, positive psychology and specific exercises formulated to correspond to recent neuroscientific findings and related research regarding optimal performance.


Self-Compassion for High Performers

This mPEAK Team training is a powerful pathway for resilience and performance skill development. Self-Compassion for High Performers is a synthesis of two comprehensive mindfulness training programs, mPEAK (Mindful Performance Enhancement, Awareness, and Knowledge) and Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC). The curriculum explores the kind (calming, nervous system soothing) and the fierce (action-eliciting, energizing, protective) functions of self-compassion in high-pressure, performance applications. Both mPEAK and MSC are taught and applied in performance settings globally and supported by a large, rapidly expanding body of research.

Research indicates that self-compassion increases grit, the ability to stay focused on our purpose and goals amidst set-backs and challenges. Self-compassion also increases our willingness to take positive risks. In addition, self-compassion is strongly associated with emotional wellbeing and resilience, less anxiety, depression and stress, maintenance of healthy habits such as diet and exercise, and satisfying personal relationships.

A signature component of this mPEAK Team training is a deep dive into common “pain points” of high performers. We explore self-compassion skills that feel authentic for high performers and resonate with performance in high pressure situations.

Self-Compassion is the secret sauce of peak performance, stress resilience, and well-being.


Harnessing the Power of Your Performance Story

Cognitive Flexibility + Emotional Durability + Grit. In this training, we’ll examine the brain’s powerful ability to generate a story in stressful situations. We feel stress and emotions in our bodies and, within an instant, these messages travel to our brain. “Ah ha! This is what is happening! I told you so,” says your brain. However, our brains are not concerned with accuracy, but rather operate on layers and layers of interpretation. In fact, we experience a neurochemical hit when a story is generated, whether true or not, which then drives our subsequent reactions and behaviors. We will explore the stories created by your mind and how they affect your targeted performance areas, resilience to stress, and well-being. We’ll engage in experiential mindfulness and positive psychology exercises, individual reflection, group discussion, and meditation.

Exploring your performance story is a powerful pathway to increased freedom and flexibility in how you think/feel about yourself, the world, and your performance endeavors. This work yields long-term growth and change, sustains our well-being, and supports us in showing up our best in all circumstances.

How you think and how you act can transform your experience of stress. When you choose to view your stress response as helpful, you create the biology of courage. And when you choose to connect with others under stress, you can create resilience. - Kelly McGonigal


It’s not working: Perfectionism Recovery for High-Performers

Are your high standards zapping your well-being or tripping up your performance in career, athletic or personal arenas? Yes? Then this is the course for you.

One of our signature offerings, this Daring Way™ + mPEAK program addresses the shared pain points of high performers with a close examination of perfectionism, its functions, and its hindrances and costs. This program integrates the science of mindfulness and Dr. Brené Brown’s research on perfectionism and shame resilience.

Topics include conquering self-sabotoge, increasing creativity and innovation, practicing authenticity in performance settings, and developing the four core shame resilience skills for bouncing back when life throws you a shame-triggered curve ball.

Perfectionism is not the same thing as striving to be your best. Perfectionism is the belief that if we live perfect, look perfect, and act perfect, we can minimize or avoid the pain of blame, judgment, and shame. It's a shield. It's a twenty-ton shield that we lug around thinking it will protect us when, in fact, it's the thing that's really preventing us from flight. - Brené Brown


Relationship Training for High-Performers

Interpersonal skills for living, leading, and loving skillfully.

One of our signature offerings, this mindfulness program integrates the science of mindfulness with Dr. Brené Brown’s research on courage, vulnerability, empathy, and trust. We gear up and dive deep into concepts, research, and practices for stronger relationships in personal and professional settings.

We’ll explore how you relate with others and with yourself. It’s a fascinating, well-researched phenomenon that how we relate to/with ourselves has a powerful influence on how we interact with others. Think you know yourself well? Get ready to have your mind blown. Gain important knowledge, awareness, and skills which readily apply to all types of connection. We’ll have some fun too. Teaching this course is a blast.

I define connection as the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgment; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship. - Brené Brown


mPEAK for High Performers with ADHD Symptoms

(no diagnosis required)

In this training, we’ll take an honest look at the strengths and challenges of living with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) symptoms and the impact on performance and stress resilience. We’ll discuss the neuroscience of symptoms including common sensory processing challenges (e.g., sound, light, touch, smells). We’ll practice crucial skills for emotion regulation and executive functioning. The mPEAK Program serves as the foundation of this workshop with emphasis on mindfulness and self-compassion skills and strategies, which are helpful for high performers with ADHD symptoms. Carli and Ben are passionate about helping you effectively manage your symptoms, maximize your superpowers, and excel in life.

Where attention goes, neural firing flows, and neural connections grow. - Dan Siegel


What is true for life as a whole is also true in the more limited domain of sport. Winning, getting medals, improving one’s time, or beating a record are important to get us motivated in the beginning, but if we take these goals too seriously –so that their pursuit blinds us to the experience along the way –then we miss the main gift that sport can give.
