Our Coaching Services


mPEAK Team Coaching


mPEAK Team offers individual and group coaching in the application of mindfulness for stress resilience, performance optimization, well-being, and interpersonal relationships. We believe our human capacity for growth, change, and excellence is maximized by attunement to the present, self-compassion, and intuitive action. We serve individuals, groups, and organizations in professional, corporate, athletic, and community-based settings. We work with adults, young adults, and teens.

We are dedicated to helping you excel, perform your best while under pressure, sustain your well-being, and live a life balance that jives with your natural groove.

We will equip you with all of the formal mindfulness practices offered in the mPEAK course as well as tools and practices that will most optimally support your performance goals. Private coaching sessions are typically 45-55 minutes in length and scheduled on a weekly frequency. This schedule is designed to build on what’s working for you and to keep the learning/practice momentum going as you explore new mindful ways of navigating life/work/athletics. We provide weekly support as you examine what might be holding back in bringing your best to your performance goals. We’ll explore ways to maintain stability in the present moment and support you in developing skills for wise and compassionate responses to challenges versus reacting.

We will coach you around deepening your mindfulness practices, synthesizing your established practices, and integrating new insights and wisdom you gain in the coaching process. We’ll support you in translating your awareness gains into behaviors and actions which support your peak performance, resilience, and well-being. We will provide you with mPEAK Team guided audio mediations, worksheets, and scholarly articles which describe the science and application of the mPEAK topics we’ll be exploring and applying.

The mindfulness practices in mPEAK are exactly the kind of mental training that will train the brain to become more focused, resilient and have easier access to flow states. The mechanism by which the brain changes is called neuroplasticity which refers to the “plastic” property of the brain or it’s ability to structurally change with new experiences, behaviors or thought patterns. When you constantly worry, the brain wires itself to worry more often. When you repetitively shift toward a more present mindset that aligns with the “foundational attitudes of mPEAK”, the brain creates more pathways for optimal performance.
— William James, The Principles of Psychology

People We Serve

  • Anyone who needs to regularly perform at their best under stressful conditions

  • Someone going through life phase transition

  • Busy people juggling multiple life/work/familly roles

  • Athletes, leaders, entrepreneurs, executives, legal professionals (judges, lawyers, paralegals), medical and mental health providers, educators, and any professional who wants to experience more “flow” and gain a competitive advantage

  • First responders who are ready to address and work with stress or trauma

  • High performers who could use a hand getting out of a “slump” by overcoming performance anxiety and perfectionism

  • Parents and caregivers who need and want to show up their best in high stress situations with people they care about

  • People who’s busy schedule or location prohibits them from attending an in-person mPEAK course

  • Participants who’ve already completed an mPEAK group program and want to continue exploring their edges and strengthening their practices

  • Mindfulness practitioners, mindfulness teachers, and mental health providers (who specialize in mindfulness) who are interested in working in a performance related context


Benefits of mPEAK Team Coaching

  • Identify and commit to personal intentions and new healthy behaviors across all domains of life: work, play, health, relationships, home, and finance

  • Increase self-awareness and the development of new capacities, strengths and authentic ways of being

  • Expand your perspective to see challenges and opportunities with greater clarity and wisdom

  • Develop practices that lead to greater focus and concentration

  • Tap into the power “flow states” during performance events and everyday life

  • Practice responding wisely to stress rather than reacting out of anger or fear

  • Develop resilience by learning how to stay present to emotionally difficult or physically painful experiences

  • Stretch your personal edges without giving up or burning out

  • Recognize and shift from critical to compassionate inner self talk

  • Work mindfully with “perfectionism” and “hypervigilance”

Work with Us

We are driven to meet your specific training needs. We can work with you 1 - 1 or we can train your group or organization as a team. You’ve got options! Goodness-of-fit is important for your coaching relationship. We want you to thrive and know that finding the right fit in a coach is a key to the effectiveness of any growth-oriented investment. Read our bios. Chat with us. We’re here for it. We’re here for you.


Coaching versus Therapy?

If you’re looking to dig deeper into therapeutic work and healing for specific concerns, therapy may be a good option for you. Connect with Carli to find out more about therapy sessions.


Where attention goes, neural firing flows, and neural connections grow.

-Dan Siegel